Most Americans will develop cataracts if they live long enough. It is simply a fact of life that comes with age. As you age, proteins in your eyes break down, causing a cloudy film to develop over your lens. This can affect your vision in various ways. While some people may develop cataracts earlier than others, even babies can be born with them. But how do you know if you have cataracts? The answer lies in receiving proper eye care at a reputable clinic. Residents in Garden Grove and the surrounding areas can visit Orange County Vision Center for an eye exam that can detect the early stages of cataracts.
How can you tell if you have cataracts? The symptoms develop so gradually that you may only notice them when they are more advanced.
1. Blurry vision: It is natural for your vision to become blurry or even cloudy when proteins form over your lens.
2. Increased need for light: Tasks that you used to perform easily, such as reading, sewing, or working on small projects, might require more light. This is because cataracts make it harder for light to enter your eye.
3. Faded colors: Cataracts tend to dull colors, causing objects to appear more yellow or brown and less vibrant than before.
4. Difficulty seeing at night: Cataracts can make driving at night more challenging, as you may feel that your vision is not as sharp.
5. Halos around lights: When looking at lamps or streetlights, you may notice halos or rings of light around them.
6. Light sensitivity: While you may need more light for certain tasks, you may also find that your eyes are sensitive to excessive brightness.
7. Double vision: In some cases, cataracts can lead to double vision in one eye.
Are you looking for an eye doctor near me? Cataracts are common, and treatment is relatively straightforward. The best course of action is to schedule an appointment at Orange County Vision Center for high-quality eye care.